Doctor App Documentation
Landing Page
- Go to our website:
- Navigate to Doctor
- Click on Visit:
- To create a new account:
- Enter Doctor info: full name, mobile & password. Enter Clinic info: name, phone number, and pricing list.
- To login, go to:
- The user must first add all relevant information about the Clinic. Simply click on Settings, then Clinic. Make sure to fill out the correct info, so the patients can easily find your Clinic.
- Our system supports managing multiple clinics. User can simply create a new clinic, by entering basic info: name & phone number. In order to access that clinic, simply logout, then login again and then choose the corresponding clinic. Kindly make sure that each clinic is a totally separate entity acting on its own.
- Navigate to the side bar and click on Contracts, to see your Pricing List of Services.
- You can easily add any other Service besides Examination and Follow Up.
- Navigate to the side bar and click on Requests, to join either a hospital or an insurance company of your choice. You can also check the status of your request. Once a request is approved, you will find all relevant information under Contracts.
- Insurer Request is simply a request to an insurance company of your choice. Simply choose a company, the corresponding Network, and any service you choose, then enter any notes you want to share with them. Once sent, the company will then have access to that pricing and start adding their pricing accordingly. The purpose here is to securely automated the billing. When an insured patient visits your clinic, all billings will be fully automated as per the contract.
- In case you want to join a hospital, simply click on Hospital, then choose its location, then add any service you conduct in that hospital and the corresponding price. Once sent, the hospital manager will approve the request by adding the corresponding pricing list. Once approved, simply logout, then login again and choose the correspodning hospital.
- If you want to send a insurer request for a service conducted at a hospital, log in from the hospital account, then proceed to do an insurer request as usual.
Search Patient
- Users will simply enter the patient's mobile or card number, choose the corresponding Service and click on Access Profile.
- Under Basic Info, users will see the patient's basic information e.g. age, gender, insurance company, and other medical information entered by the patient through Lnkr Mobile App.
- Under Prescriptions, you will find all previous records as entered by other doctors. For those records previously entered by yourself, you will have a green flag under Yours in the table. To create a new prescription, simply click on Add Prescription, then choose the suitable medication and dosage. You can also add Diagnosis, if necessary. Once submitted it will instantaneously be reflected on the Patient Mobile App and insurance company, in case the patient is insured and you have a running contract with it.
- Same goes for Lab & Radiology, you will find all previous results that have been conducted. Adding new records will be exactly the same way.
- Kindly note that all records will be shared with the patient and insurance company, except for Personal Notes. This will not be shared with patients or other doctors.
- This is where user can find all relevant details about Daily & Monthly Visits.
- Under Monthly Summary, user can validate the billings for Patient Visits. Whether private or insured, user will find all accumulated numbers from the beginning of the month.